Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act

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The Nevada model, created by the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act (SNPLMA), allows for federal land to be made eligible for disposal, creates permanent land conservation, conveys land to local government entities for recreation and public purposes, transfers land into trust for local tribes, and creates a fund for additional land acquisition and conservation projects statewide.

The Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act will expand economic development and affordable housing opportunities in Washoe County, support local Tribal communities, increase conservation, protect public lands and outdoor recreation, and keep proceeds from land sales in Nevada for priorities like education and restoration around the Truckee River. As the state with the highest percentage of public land in the nation, Nevada relies on federal legislation to increase land available for development – such as affordable housing – and to protect outdoor spaces for future generations.

Act Overview

Bill Text

Act Map

Conveyance to Local Government

This proposal will authorize conveyance of specific lands to the following bodies for recreation and public purposes:

  • Washoe County
  • City of Reno
  • City of Sparks
  • Washoe County School District
  • Truckee River Flood Management Authority
  • State of Nevada
  • Incline Village General Improvement District
  • Gerlach General Improvement District
  • University of Nevada, Reno

Parcel List – Conveyance for Public Use

Disposal for Economic Development

This proposal makes specific parcels of federal land eligible for sale and subsequent development, as appropriate, to support sustainable growth in the region. Under this proposal, 15,860 acres will be eligible to be nominated for sale. Differing from the SNPLMA model, this proposal does not include a disposal boundary.

All lands that are eligible for sale must be nominated and undergo an environmental review by the federal agency that manages that land to determine if sale of the parcel is appropriate. Under the current proposal, if the federal land manager determines sale to be appropriate, Washoe County would also need to give their approval before development can occur. The county is first required to assess the parcel for its suitability for affordable housing. Land that will be used for affordable housing will be sold for less than fair market value, and all other development parcels must be sold for at least fair market value. Development of the land would also need to comply with all current zoning and planning requirements, including review by the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Agency and the jurisdiction in which the land is being developed.

Under this proposal, revenue from the sale of these federal lands will be divided between the State of Nevada General Education Fund (5%), Truckee River conservation projects (10%), and a special account available to the Secretary of the Treasury (85%). This means that the proceeds from the sale of land in Washoe County will stay in Washoe County to benefit local residents rather than be sent back to the U.S. Treasury.

The special account can be used for things such as:

  • Parks, Trails, and Natural Areas
  • Hazardous Fuels Reduction and Wildfire Prevention
  • Conservation Initiatives
  • Acquisition of Environmentally Sensitive Lands

Disposal Parcels Map

Parcel List – Disposal

Conservation Designations

This legislation creates both Wilderness Areas and National Conservation Areas to permanently protect some of the existing public lands within Washoe County. Land that is currently managed as a Wilderness Study Area that is not designated by this legislation as Wilderness or as part of a National Conservation Area will return to multiple‐use management.

  • Grazing, recreation, hunting, and public access will continue within designated Wilderness and National Conservation Areas
  • Motorized vehicle use is only permitted on marked roads in Wilderness Areas, and on roads identified in the management plans of National Conservation Areas
  • This legislation also withdraws some public land from mineral leasing while permitting other valid uses to continue

If enacted, this legislation will increase the permanent conservation of land in Washoe County by designating 223,039 acres as Wilderness and 551,427 acres as National Conservation Areas. This bill also designates 173,919 acres as “withdrawal areas.”

Tribal Trust Lands

This proposal will expand land held in trust for local Tribal communities, including:

  • 8,474 acres for the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony
  • 11,436 acres for the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
  • 1,097 acres for the Washoe Tribe

Parcel List – Tribal Trust Land

Next Steps

This legislation will now be eligible to be considered for a hearing by the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Following a hearing – and depending on the testimony and feedback the Committee receives from stakeholders and federal agencies – the legislation may be amended and voted on in Committee. If approved, it will then be considered and voted on by the U.S. Senate.


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